Friday, August 23, 2019


The Turin Shroud blood DNA was used for Prince Charles & it was hoped by some that a second coming would result, since WWII was believed by many to be the time of tribulation. Charles turned out to be Lucifer instead, who is from the same bloodline as all of the other Archangels: Judah, descended from David & earlier. DNA plays that important role but any of the seven protocols or the eighth can emerge from that bloodline. Don't worry too much about their Royal line, it is convenient to establish them in authority, not critical.

The Turin shroud has been used again, this time the original soul of Jesus, which has been in heaven, sleeping when he can get peace is entering into a fetus. An Archangel is prepared which at this time is in part with the Pope, to take the senior office which is Archangel Selaphiel. A birth is expected, however scripture said Christ would be resurrected with the dead at the coming of the clouds having great power & glory, when the other souls of the dead are taken to other flesh to survive. Souls sleep within their senior family member, where the "Kingdom of heaven is within you.

It is not necessary for the host to die, the souls are removed by an Angel which is always present in heaven, never alone, to a distance & then brought quickly to safety so they are not burned. So the Pope need not be snuffed as some have suggested. The souls will not emerge on his dying breath. Souls are transferred from person to person until they are delivered to the senior family member to rest, removal is normal.

The above is inaccurate because we need a trickle release for a trickle return, we hope. The Souls of family members & also senior Archangels require that the senior person dies before re-hosting