Saturday, August 24, 2019


There is reason to believe we will be cut off for 3.5 years, the duration of the war or if not long enough for our forces to be finished. I asked you to store slicing sausages & rice with herbs & spices & vitamin pills. You have cake & gravy & spuds & delights, no problem, now get the other things please enough for the duration. They do not take up as much space. Also I want two telescopic cranes in case of a failure please. Being broken & defeated need no mean dead. I am appalled at the ignoring of my advice.

You need water distillation in case you cannot get more, urine. You also should sink a well, which will supply clean water until a flood & then salt water (not urine). Do you have storage for human waste if there is no ejection because of flooding?

Please listen, Tesco sell a slicing sausage for about £25, buy enough for 1/2 inch for everybody there for each day. Buy rice 0.5kg every person for each day. Buy spices every type, enough for that just mentioned. Buy Oats 1kg per month per person. Buy vitamins 5 per person per day, they are emergency survival.

Add those things in store whether you think you have enough or not please. Sink a hole next to it if you need to.

Make sure we can transmit from the cranes please. Generators need outlet, compress fumes & discharge. You do know God halted three famines by me, don't you? Do it as I say please. Plan for very dim LED lighting to save fuel. You do not have enough gas to distil salt water, about half.

We need sleeping airlifters in case we lose everything. I have been trying to tell our people to desert & abstain from conflict until the depopulation is over.

I have treasure buried for retrieval, do the same please to encourage rescue.