This is the Chancel Saint Mary Magdalene. I need a very attractive girl with height who is capable of reproducing the designs on bare walls. The progress will entertain. The more women we have the stronger the chance our nation will exist in twenty years. We are also more likely to be rescued by foreign powers. I have heard that too many men still enjoy family places at the same shelter as my own. 3.5 yrs Is a long time to be in bad company. The end of life as we are used to it is a depressing prospect & we need to make ourselves as comfortable as we are able. Being King of Plantagenets is a Major disappointment even in our own property at the close of external problems. I therefore reject the approved shelter & want another vacated for my personal use. I want a Coronation inside & nobody there at all who is not welcome. Invite those who I said alone & not family or husbands, because for each place a holy Nun or Priest will die. Bring me the loveliest Nuns & the most blessing Priests. Large female security only. They will be confident without the presence of men.

Feedback: Gov: good
There are none I have invited without trafficking husband or partner, but even if they love there are so many men & important men that they would be taken anyway.