The beast is the flesh of 666 Archangels brought up with the heathen, who also know their identities. The international media & internet mean they can be coerced to speak as a world ruling Archangel with their own mouths in contradiction to that which is said by the Archangels. That open speech on world policy with fame for Archangelic hosting is the beast. The office of the fallen Archangels was given to lower spirits for the job that was intended for them, which is iniquitous. God needed an evil Government because the life of the Earth is limited by the resources needed to sustain & the swelling population that depleted those resources. God knew that those already ungrateful for life would curse him for lack of even wood to burn. So their known identity gives them organised crime problems & they were brought up with ungodly sexual practices. The beast sends the Earth into decline with the NWO & is put to death afterward.
The communication of the Archangels is registered by technology as well as by each other in modern times, but it is still to a considerable degree concerned with the welfare & office of the 666 before what is right for the world.