Friday, August 23, 2019


People I have not known for many years, who's conduct was as my own while Archangel Michael was pretending not to be with me are claiming to know me. I could not be in the company of them without hating it, having risen from my condition to holiness. There are a few who Michael has said I should include, for their love & opposition to oppressors, so in the absence of a family unit I have chosen a few associates with that advice. I would not like to think that a holy Nun or good Priest had died to save the people I once belonged to.

Likewise some family do not compare to proven folk in love, loyalty & righteousness. Neither would I want related oppressors saved instead of them. One can make a just & loyal Kingdom without responsibility to kin.

Give me the most lovely nun & blessing priest & leave the oppressing Plantagenets with a shovel & jerrycan, CIS. We need them to raise children.