The Archangel Michael

Thursday, August 8, 2019


This nuisance is the type of politics which hangs under my Crown. The type which lies to Demonise me. When two enemies conflict bookings are made with their Government enclave & the matter is handled in house, so that constraints prevent disaster as often happens if an excited enemy carries out retribution themselves. It is the same in Government as in war. Demands for problems of various levels of severity are detailed with suggestions & insistence on what floats their boat often. Problems are made by my own teams to gratify without destruction when enemies seek to prevent my Government comments.

Accusations of exaggeration are based upon assumptions I am not already oppressed before they start requesting further problems. I have all I own with me & suffer nuisance day & night without ceasing. Then you come to me for abuses because I conflict with your opinions for God.

Revelation 12 about the casting out of the devil by Michael is your end, which is death to your host following conflict. You are the Dragon who are fallen.