The Archangel Michael

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Further to instruction, a Gazebo can be bought for about £10 & keep firewood dry as well as kill this man distracting me.

as well as saving matches, on the subject of which you need hundreds of boxes. the correct way to light a fire is with two sheets of toilet paper soaked in vegetable oil fed with wood shavings, practice. One match or I'll call you a tit.

A fire is begun by lighting dead wood, on the ground & the snappy stuff still in the tree. Then is fed with a mixture of green & dead logs, Gator saw.

Feedback: where did you get dead logs?
Hitting the end of a dead branch hard upon the ground.

Feedback: You can't light a fire with one match & therefore must be a tit.
Gather everything to the fireside & don't run about hoping it won't go out.