The Archangel Michael

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Container shelter

We advised containers buried for military & intelligence use. I can't deal with everything & both houses at Westminster are aware of plans by the US to Tsunami. Take out things vulnerable to water or seal them properly. Eventually a water line will be drawn on maps & containers will be retrieved for reburying. The military expects soldiers to remain at post even if that is within a Tsunami danger zone. They expected you to run out of air if you fell victim to flooding & could not think how to help you. We refer you to the post for special forces this morning. Special forces are very much worth looking for because one man saved can organise a troop to special tasks.

We saw this today 15L, it can keep you alive with vitamin pills for about one month. Skin saturation, low temperature & inactivity. Use mineral water & add something for energy. Shove dehydrated sausages into it if they will fit at full capacity.