Sunday, December 1, 2019

Nuclear explosion

There was a noisey nuclear explosion here last night with distinctive flash. God says you are contemptable & will all die. Alex Younger said it's actually about him & his Government & world influence, not a God who shouldn't have faith put in him if circumstances are awful.

This report is rubbish, I was awake. There was a tumultous explosion which sounded like near thunder, then a flash following the initial noise. North or NE of Wimbledon Common or thereabouts. Sounded like a building opened to reveal flashing within.

This report is better, it concerns terror suspects released with a Khan ref to Jegudiel who has cooperated with Michael near Battersea.

Selaphiel, Michael, Jegudiel, Lucifer & Barachiel are against Scottish takeover of Westminster. The Scottish are also conflicting with Russia. Ireland are conflicting with Lucifer.