Monday, December 16, 2019

Building defence

Doors should be shot through from inside. There should be two grenaders against the wall to throw out if the door opens. Short fuse & phospherous perhaps around the corner, close the door, keep plenty handy. Wheeling out a mannequin is great, not right in front. Stay low because shooting from the corner of that wall is best.

Females train in a different manner to men, make a narrow target turning sideways & squat or dive with automatic spray if greeting more than one target. These produce smoke also, masks hinder peripheral vision entering a clear room.

Paint ball the above with Special forces & girls, no warning, no embarrassment. Have them look silly by comparison afterward. Perhaps revolving rubber bullets.

They'll want to come through a window. Get out if glass breaks, Grenade! Do it in the hall with the grenades, two squat with grenades listening & one stand either side not too close, the second against the opposite wall. They will enter room to room afterward.

We advise allowing them to try over again until they see the way. That is also a good test because withdrawing men could advise others. Try to prevent fleeing men who might draw plans or give intel. Try streaking with larger breasts.

The advise given by another to violently rape the women will result in a real firefight or ambush later. We are not testing the dominance of men in Government here.