Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Jesus Christ

Was a man not unlike Keith says the Father. Also he was profane as reported here & other places & rude as you read in the New Testament. These times have a dialect which causes the very polite to be mocked & not at all understood until ferocity of contempt or annoyance.

God has nade Christ a face for himself which transends the man by enourmous holiness. Christ was called God & could not withstand the ridicule, yet he could front God in death very well in great stories, like statues which are ridiculed if errected in a man's lifetime before those he knows.

The resurrected soul of Jesus is here, as was predicted by him in Mathew 24 & Mark 13 for the last days & it is not safe to be peaceful or without a sword.

Almighty God has given you evidence & you have to accept. The five fallen Rchangels from God make the casting out of Demons impossible, they do not obey. Their leaders do not care a hoot for a Messiah these days.