The Archangel Michael

Sunday, September 1, 2019


Have been jubilant about Archangel Michael not being their enemy. It is of course the truth Archangel Michael has no enemies but the enemies of God. We have an unfortunate situation as always in war, when good people suffer on opposite sides for the purpose of agreed population reduction, as was the case in the last two world wars.

The non nuclear powers are in agreement to kill the nuclear powers for assaulting them, they stand together in private agreement. The payment of trillions to personal accounts of nuclear power leaders leaves them without defence regarding God's will & they will be taken down.

China believes that a proper force in Tibet will prevent an invasion from that flank. It has to or we have no contractual agreement to be there. They can go around & not across or overhead. Imagine that the local people can teach us to live in an independent environment that might some day even belong to us by default, in the absence of a Chinese Government, the future of the UK unknown.

Feedback: Taken down like the pants of Virgins & Women that loved their husbands, under their God fearing Government.


Feedback: Idyllic, take the new born Christ there away from the flood.

Maybe, ask Selaphiel.

Feedback: The US are on the line & want to add to previous offence.

Go to hell.