Sunday, September 29, 2019

Alien craft

Nuisance criticism about fashion is harming all. Put a stop to it. The sub does not look like a downed plane, it looks like a stealth craft. What does this look like?

A steam engine is being designed for charging sub batteries with the water wheel traveling on the surface. It will burn coal, brickets or wood. Think about the future & ocean dominance. Give me plenty of brass & consider Steampunk.

I want one at the bottom of the North Sea on permanent station in it's basic form, tow it at night. Give a male & female WIFI with a database. I suggest three pages of search for every search made on their record, each crew member & a standard archive. One hundred hours use plus standby. Music & alcohol. Rotate. Three torpedos of various sizes on each wing. Transmission bouy plus emergency untethered beacon & surface capability.