Friday, September 27, 2019


I am representing Jesus in the absence of a competent & capable Pope. Jesus & those representing him have no authority in Government. The interests of Christians is the business of Archangel Selaphiel around the world & the local Selaphiel Governors who are unlikely to be recognisable as serious Christians because of wealth & sexual corruption as well as revenge & greed.

The Pope is host to the present Archangel Selaphiel & is in a state of serious incapability as is the Queen who is the National Selaphiel & daughter of Lucifer.

Archangel Michael is taking control of Selaphiel business in the UK & some other countries. You will begin by persecuting Satan Priests in the capital cities & executing those having sex with pre teens, including Bishops. Serco.

The representation of Jesus today is this: Stay out of Government if you are a Christian. Discuss the things you have been forbidden to discuss on walks in the countryside. Government is an alternative to Christianity & is worthless to you without pay.