Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Earliest indication of war

We have talked about security cameras going out & flash ping by a solar WIFI borrowing alarm. The earliest indication of nuclear war outside of NWO is now aircraft heading from Pakistan in the direction of the Gulf of Oman. Kandahar Air traffic control radar.

These apps are ok. Military aircraft can enter flight paths, but have to ask Air traffic control. They usually use their own radar to avoid planes & plan routes a little clear of the civil route.

We have this figure near a flight path from Pakistan which looks like it's looking over it's shoulder as if not expecting & holding a weapon. Oman.

God spoke to me recently & indicated that the US or Saudi Arabia would send intercept into or to the border of UAE to a target that is lightly esteemed. We think from Prince Sultan Airbase, that direction. There is a Lion looking upward at a place that may be a turn towards the US Navy at Qatar. We estimate a 7 min warning from Oman. That is the second earliest possible warning.

Apollyon are reminded that they are forbidden to shoot down aircraft using a nuclear missile until global war. Apollyon are watching & agencies can have that information for donations to Blackwater.