Monday, September 30, 2019

Sub standard

The Una Class sub is a similar size to our own, a little smaller, study innovative use. Six boats were completed in four years & we have less than one. Apollo missions failed often because of protocol. We are inviting international production, talk to each other.


Time is being saved by using modules already in service & welding & bolting them in. I am asking car manufacturers around the World to put their own engines, gears & controls into a body which is of standard form. Drawings are available now.

Russia has sold Apollyon rocket torpedo & we hope to fire them at full speed to nuke enemy subs. We also hope to surprise with a rocket advance on subs to fire a short range torpedo.

We like the fish width of the Una & the walnut of the Jaguar. Old sailing vessels used to make small spaces lovely with brass fixings to help morale. This sub has been stripped of internals & renamed several times. Produce bodywork, think later. Robot production.