The Archangel Michael

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


There has been a lot of money changing hands to push the button. Governments are under contract with the beast to honour undisputed scripture. You will kill one third part of enemies, & become a part of my own Airforce afterward or be obliterated by breach of agreement.

You have five months, I want all aircraft down, hunt them. In the air before daylight. Forward positions, excel because God has provided. I am taking advantage of five months guaranteed success to serve God by downing all bombers on all sides. God doesn't like bombers & you are ordered to get them down or are in breach of agreement.

Your other task is to prevent Western movement of Russian forces. There is not time to be idle, find the action.

530 lighter

I'm sure you've heard that the Earth's orbit will be a catastrophe, along with nuclear winter & all populated areas over about 2km or perhaps less destroyed. Along with out of town warhead targets like superstores & maintenance works. As well as that these bombers are supposed to make sure everything else useful, away from warhead efficient areas is gone. 

There is an agreement to depopulate which has become total destruction of peoples by insolence as well as personal issues between East & West. That is to be achieved by nuclear bombers. Calm it down. Best camera footage collection makes promotion. Better accommodation etc. officer's privileges.