The Archangel Michael

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Amadeus Declassified

In addition to the Judge Anderson story Falco (German) was used to promote Charles as the better part of the Sun by constructing a heavy metal & motorbike lifestyle to diminish interest in my role.

Who noticed Cardinal Ratzinger? The German Pope 25 years later. Catholic council at MORI. Between them is an image of Archangel Michael.

Later working at Ipsos MORI for two years, where security had been handled better until French Ipsos Joined, although in decline, Halo was released about that contact with Michael. "I aint never gonna shut you out" indicated intended destitution. The US invited an Ipsos integration security breakdown by proxy, MORI owned by Robert Worcester. French & English CIA played the bad half Ipsos for the US.