Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Almighty God has an undiscriminating hand & I want churches to believe & form a body preserved worth something to God, so that the world is worth something in his sight. Talk of corrupt Government officials peeking from shelter & military preservation ignores the fruit of creation to be concerned with manufacturers of evil policies, delay & a reduced & Godless society. I want a Kingdom called that of Christ to be holy without selfish politics & illicit payments, respecting law which is made to protect the weak & innocent. What is good to God is what saves. Help me to gather the church to safety.

Do we really understand preservation & counter ops? Cover this base please. It actually caused the Wako church to be taken with arms for control to ruin it in the US. They had buried a bus & heaped store. Davidians have been included in efforts to prevent thorough ruin, a gift to God.

Employ: Seventh day adventist speakers to infiltrate churches with popular agreers.

Michael says all farms on sale nearby will be bought for them if they cannot contribute.