Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Sacred Heart

Prince Charles also has a sacred heart from God. He & I suffer coercion that effect our authority. Him more than me. White Heart is pure intention whatever the output under pressures.
Michael cut me on a thorn & I closed my fist to stop it bleeding. This showed Charles larger left eye & my larger right, which is holy sight. He has horns also, the product is poor.
Who can see the Sun Scotland turning to strike dark purpose Jegudiel an Elephant. Recent tactical explosion. Michael said O A on the mike meaning halo Alpha, EVP meter.
This asks Michael to stop unwanted sexual attention for Charles so that my persecutions can be alleviated, try. 

God has said kill Parker Bowles to legitimise Charles union. In our opinion he has earned death many times enjoying the love of a dignitary for so long only to injure.