Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Who has learned scripture & cannot find evidence by failure of prayer reasonable by biblical standards? Where are you & what time is this? It is not the time for learning anymore, a time for signs if you are blessed. See here clouds & Topography proving God. Why is he destroying? The tale according to Isaiah is that not one is righteous. Is it that time? Prayer can be answered with praise for God if it is common to scripture & is a matter that is easily established, not requiring enslaved Angels serving you at social engineering for months, for example, perhaps returning your concubine, you fool, God is not your servant!

Pray now, bow head & do not ask for anything. Imagine God filling the room in numbers of omnipresent concious persons with one accord. Then to the reaches of the sky, & to the Moon & beyond to the reaches of the Solar system & then you cannot comprehend the entire presence from your place to any place further. God is vast & critical of you, make yourself small before him. Thank him or them for your life, good food & things you enjoy. Do you want God or a greater to serve you?