Sunday, January 26, 2020


The China epidemic is linked to Corona bubbles. China are accused of having a bubble by Russia (Michael in this case) by eclipse of our Father. Germ warfare from a Chinese intelligence faction linked to studys of ebola & Michael. Ebola or 'e' the bowler hats was Michael also & swine flu.

Eclipse Corona

God's recorded expressions (electromagnetism)


God is in all places, God on Earth is preoccupied & in space gets annoyed with proceedings to dominate, since God is supreme by the agreement of all at task & otherwise. Above: left eye open right closed - unholy vision.

Five fingers

5 fingers Right hand turned over 's' - not sorry.

Right hand one black finger & dancing - shoot this mocking pervert stealing my fame as well as body, he's not primary of him & me, right forefinger, kill him black. Drinking water - indulging in sex, right hand irrelevant most people are right handed & cannot drink left latent. Holds out arms downward - I am above you now.

Without the poof's input she might have said shoot rapists.

Superstar: Angels employ both hands in God's service, wings two serving God, Low less activity, high more. You can & should conflict with high wings if of another spirit of the Seven. Here are 6 Angels of two fallen groups not Michael contending with second coming Jesus. Dancing sexually active.
Left & right are altered by latents to switch for discresion or to confuse. Pink means sorry, Michael told me it means f*** you, because he says now you should not believe it of them nor accept them as friends. Some people say everything right side is right.