Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Royal Mail

Executives are mocking as well as failing deliveey, They call a firm Grays to deliver to family as if we are all dead meat referring to the Riverbed burials & called Ordnance Survey to rename the street Toddington that was Taddington referring to Sweeny Todd.

God says you will be made to deliver & made to stop using the name Grays. He says you are a stupid Prick that couldn't be trusted to shovel shit from one place to another, let alone handle Royal Security or Mail.

"Royal" Mail 
The Blood address, Channel 9 block & refusal to carry from central post office, drop zone or deliver here are a joke of comprehensive incompetence. There is nothing they can do right concerning Royal Post.

Rome actually defeated

There is a great show of authority & Power that is subject to agreements on the "Clock" most power is with the masses & occasional cruelty pre determined makes fear where the Clock isn't understood. In fact at my own position it makes no difference if I am brave or avoidant, events will take place as planned long ago. Agreement hoarded money & Glitter that are unnatural to Native Man anyway, & limited all other things including Nuclear Stockpiling & control.