Friday, June 28, 2024

Crucifixions implosion

Evidence is gathering that in order to keep innocent Blood from the Weapons of David's Men people were ordered to assault kin with threats & immoderate Violence then found Blood guilty & bloodied. The minimization of Blood assault was in part Political Psychology & based upon a Spiritual legal system for condemnation.

Today we are experiencing a discrete effort as the origional, the same Characters are operated against the other with Christ the focal point & only expected Host survivor by engineering. The origins are the same with a cellular dispersal here that is handy but eventually futile. Reasons for deliberate Apocalypse are short listed & definitely numerous.

  • Loss of Bird based control to Microsurgery
  • Growing Spiritual pressures or Damnation by swelling Populations of relatively innocent births Man & Bird
  • God potentially finalising an arrangement begun in that Day, degraded Systems conclusion.
  • Timing by provocations enabling escape investment