Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Online Lyrics within "Rock Bottom" & "Doctor Doctor" claim to have tales of accounts of the Crucifixion. I have been arguing this morning for the right to use the internet to see, however Kent Police, already charged with keeping senior Oid that supported the event & carrying out burns & beatings here after the manner of that time are insensitive.

I saw something about a female attacking a male with a knife & somebody crawling witnessing someone looking angry being sodomised, discrete. Nature's Queen appears to be Animal Kingdom Horus in Veronika. Will your soul survive to daylight, Clay Cold Lips is burial in Clay here. UFO is about Birds, Avian not Alien.
The Avian represented is at 12 Kitchener Ave, a Stuart. Recognisable residents here


Kent Police Chief followed me to access outside & blocked today. He also threatened high intensity radiation from forced delivery & disembowelling. God says his finger prints are in every fowl deed in Kent including Crucifixions past. He says Disembowel him when his time comes. He also said he will be destroyed every oid when Holocaust breaks out. He said get his Dummy back in & wipe the Shit from his Arse.