Saturday, June 15, 2024

Economic Sanctions

The UK are sanctioned for speaking to Movie Download Sites preventing viewing & Download of Apocalypse related material. Westminster are in an open Apocalypse cover up in front of the whole World.

Z: The Dead Phone

I've been able to see a little of the Film. It begins with a broken Phone Screen & has Two walkie Talkie Shadows in a scene with Walken holding the Girls Hand. The Dead Girl is the dominated Irish Crown & the Officer symbolised in other movies I can't see like the Prophesy & Terminator: T-1000. Phone signals are blocked here usually, Mast tampering.

Suspect Group: McNeal Gavin, Irish; I battered him before he shoved me through a Window & ran off. Scene part replicated in Terminator. Wandering Oid,connected to Rebecca. Looks like a Fifth Column domination of Irish Democracy, London proxies abroad & back through Wales. The Four Quarters are only designed to take the blame for the House anyway. There would be a Holy Family without surgery in Kent or One in retreat here.