Thursday, June 13, 2024

Police Murders

Who can remember the Song Heads Shoulders Knees & Toes? Knees & Toes is repeated Two making Null so that we know it's about Gabriel & the tradition of the Half Sex Doll Butchery. Now consider the Song Who's the Wanker in the Black with the same Tune, in the Black repeated. It would appear to be criticism of a Referee however the origin supports that it is a Police Officer that disuses their Uniform for Murders.  

Suspect: Irish Royal Hierarchy, implant thyroid. God says destroy the Intruder.

Chief Report

The Vvsit to my Property included Sex with the Female Captive & Wounds. The Veronika appearance in the Dead Zone is the Wales authority, usually Organised Crime, seen also with Hengist in 39 Steps it looks as if Eve's Biblical appearance usually indicates so. Veronika in the Film is actually the Police Chief. Some kind of self imposed retirement in a bust up with Wales meant to clear his name.