Thursday, June 27, 2024

Alien threat

Keeping locust has generated shielding to carry out heavy work, breaking down life support systems eventually by gathering corrective pressure. A Plot is uncovered here to shank the Host because intruders are swopping in 2025.  The Weaver Scenario conceals supportive assaults on those persecuting unknown to Her. Here that is France, CID & H ID. 

Two Red conditioned Guns point toward One another top Corners

Alien Self Destruct System: CAUTION observe precautions for handling Electrostatic sensitive Devices. It refers to handling Locust carefully, Electrostatic means Spiritually active on a material level.

Signals: Strike Upper Left to lower Right - proceed, Yellow - considered upward of your position.

Locust are identical in purpose & like cells of a single Oraganism or Molecules with Data interconnections. They separate One for reconosance or danger by Democracy.