Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Arthurian Garden

Sweet Clover White & Yellow, Herb.

Cleopatra Blue

The woad is of Chalk & Bluebells inspired by the Local Butterfly: Black Eyed Blue.


Hercules Legendary Journeys turned out to Star a Young Arnold, having the form of a Power Lifter, larger Shoulders.

I recognise the Girl, a Receptionist at Bryant St. Surgery when I was small & others in the Film, likenesses that look like Succubus Avian Messenger go betweens.


Police stole an Image this morning to pass around for kudos. We do not need personal delays as well as senior policy because some pig wants respect for media. Sit on imformation if you delay or else.

Why are Police all Pale Skinned? Can't go out in Public because of Spiritual assaults. They also Blue Light Traffick Lights to escape & avoid Town Centres.


Legends & Fables serve as little more than memory joggers for who once heard or saw. They speak about the same incidents changing names & Senarios & work slander or praise for the evil in.


There is never one reason for language or any serious agenda. We've spoken a bit about Medusa or M seducer the Gorgon or Gore gone. The Engineers are however the Fifth & not the Wales Quarter, who want rotary Quarter connections not Cross until sudden unexpected force is desired

Demonised: Mirrors are usually used for slander, Medusa is Beautiful.

Monday, June 17, 2024


Israel's 88fm is putting out Moriah relevant media. I've been unable to hear how good because of saturation web locking here, by the unrepentant Empire.

Morian Coups

They are all Avian siblings & offspring of Boris Johnson's Pharoah. Clive who's statue is at the War rooms is an Apocalypse responsible along with the David & Rebecca Avians. Unrepenting.
Avian control: God says Birds are all stupid & quick & Prey Birds kill

Excalibur Axe

The Dry Wood is being Linseed Oiled with a Pool in the Cavity, that weeps if filled all the way. The place has been identified as directly beyond the Veronika Tree, Head tilted into the Concrete Waterway. The Axe is for sale to Beth only at 200k, who declines.

English Government

England was great before the invasions, Host of God of all the Earth. God says an opportunity has been lost for stabilisation & great Government because the thieves who pretend to reign forbid contributions from the Hill.

Arthurian Garden

Purple Heart, Pink turning Purple: Malva Sylvestris. Five Petals: Fifth Column assault. On Arthur's Grandson's Grave, Cara intruder alongside with Flamingo Flowers.

Investigations blocked

There has been no progress with investigations into Apocalyose for days because of Internet Denial & Device sabotage here. Police Chief personal issue making bad a complete collapse. Chief Constable Mathew Scott is an alias meaning Scottish Mafia.

Suspect: Gavin McKinnon. Looks like a Pirate with Geastpo insignia. Suspect Origin: Sus pecked, Avian nuisance.

Black Pig

The Black Pig is Pugwashes Vehicle, origin ridden Beast, ridden usually meaning butholed also. Black is injured origin the shade of Cloud messages. So Pugwash nobs a Black Pig meaning is dismissive of Police reputations. 

Cara's Playboy Mansion

Cara showed viewers around that House & "owns" another in Beverly Hills. Cara was heard saying you're having a joke, give me the lease, having only been there for a Screw with a Publisher.


Succubus contact with Beth caused Three disfuguring injuries & with Milly One in a cover up of the former again. The Family options were Hypotenuse. Two of the Four were accidents by Animal implants, Two Surgery. Injuries are dictated by the Fifth Column in London. The Fifth called V Roman 5 & Alien Movie Species (Avian) reduce victim's status to put off charges of assault & multi Man relations, intending to Keep Wales out of contact with England with rough Policy.


Bolt Front & back Doors also Bedroom at night.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Apocalypse Showdown

A Show down is false portrayal of dominance overwhelmed by the dominant. As you've witnessed in the case of Seniority it doesn't matter much what you strive for or try to avoid because of timed events. Becsuse the Government are cruel they make people afraid who think they can act at any moment, however they stall & save points to appear supreme in a moment.

Hierarchical failure

The Aged make a fuss of themselves to get their own way & finance. The Natural Leader under God is fresh & obedient & that is objectionable to the Stupid & Aged hence Apocalypse. They entered a progressing World & claimed they made things, but their tampering was such a Balls up it is all getting blown down or burned.

Evil Dead: Animals on Moriah

The Arrogant Rat & Bird are of the Intruders who were "recalled" & their near, that turned my Family one against the other for Sex & Gore.

Excaliber Origins

Veronika or Her Wessex Authority gave Jack a broad Bronze Lance of the Type seen here but having a thicker Diameter also called Goliaths Spear "Like a Weavers Beam", X Calibre meaning girth like a Bullet Calibre.

Fik Fuzz

Police editing & deleting Posts here are obviously unaware of prevailing forces concerning Biblical integrity, this is a Testament. God  says make them restore everything or put them to Death.

Notice to Stupid Pigs

If it's not you it's your Boss. How can you hide online?

Ho picked up

A Prostitute was picked up by the Fuzz & since they have shaved. I thought it was something to do with Crabs, I asked the Supermarket Girl if she had Crabs & got the same look as when I asked a man if he had Fat Balls for Bird Feeders.

Hill Ban

Following the theft of a large number of Beetle Larvae there are none welcome on the Hilltop inc. Female & people claiming to be Family.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sunak given a new Term

Rishi Sunak was given a new Term Today formerly known as the "Paki" he has been called "disgrace".

The origin of "Chequers" is Cheaters & Magpies also Check Points relieve opportunity of useful things. 

Thyroid "Balls up"

Thigh Roid appears to indicate that Tonsil Roid references are in fact Bollocks or vice versa.

Economic Sanctions

The UK are sanctioned for speaking to Movie Download Sites preventing viewing & Download of Apocalypse related material. Westminster are in an open Apocalypse cover up in front of the whole World.

Z: The Dead Phone

I've been able to see a little of the Film. It begins with a broken Phone Screen & has Two walkie Talkie Shadows in a scene with Walken holding the Girls Hand. The Dead Girl is the dominated Irish Crown & the Officer symbolised in other movies I can't see like the Prophesy & Terminator: T-1000. Phone signals are blocked here usually, Mast tampering.

Suspect Group: McNeal Gavin, Irish; I battered him before he shoved me through a Window & ran off. Scene part replicated in Terminator. Wandering Oid,connected to Rebecca. Looks like a Fifth Column domination of Irish Democracy, London proxies abroad & back through Wales. The Four Quarters are only designed to take the blame for the House anyway. There would be a Holy Family without surgery in Kent or One in retreat here.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Thorns, who's the Crown?

Jesus planted the Thorns in the Valley following his Familiy's Deaths, which is discovered to be an Avian recall of Intruders malfunctioning in the presence of God at Moriah. It reveals the origin of "Total Recal" the Film Title. The Thorns still help keep Home Office Shite away, who park near the Well as if they won against God.

Retargeting Report: Home Office Nuclear Shelters are receiving volleys to annihilation for developing suicidal systems resulting in damage across the Board.

New Excalibur

Yesterday God gave me an Axe Handle recognisable as Wales Authority. He said It is for the Death of Crucifixion responsible in Haydock, that is Apocalypse responsibles & any other Blood is against God with the appropriate penalty Death

Images blocked

Image & General blocks are Police organised sex workers given instructions & penalised. They are usually placed at Tills in Shops. It amounts to Police Control with moderate variables. There are also Poisons based Shopping restrictions & Queue overwhelming for direction.
Veronika's Bloodied Eye Socket marks the arguments between Her & Jesus. Nailed Bent forward for Sex Her Tails (Tales) dismiss the angry Jack

H Ohm Office

H Omega of Home Office is Reported to mean the authority behind Antichrist & Anti Moriah Organised Crime. Police & Special Operations tactical Control. H is a parted A meaning upwards build has become a Bucket, slang for a sawn Skull e.g. A Bucket List.

Lucifer Slain 1000 yrs

There is a great effort to make the Cara intruder Satan of the Abyss who rises after a thousand years. God says I have all authority over the Scriptures that either quote me or of those claiming to have been taught by me. 

Cara's called Gabriel is my colleague who handles things that people do not expect from God, who is God of all things. The real problems are with near Relatives, especially the Bloody Handed & especially the Irish Prince that keeps claiming right to reign in England Lucifer. Jesus Hemisphere taken to the Abyss with Her is little talked about.

When Cara gets injured I am injured because of a "Cross over" a Cell linking between the Two distinct Families of Michael & Gabriel to sustain. She is the Mug of their Kin & I the Mug of mine. Her Kin are Bloody & our returning that Blood. There is a real Danger of Domino Apocalypse by assault on Her to whack me by ordinary connection.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Muppet Show Police Hierarchy

Evidence withheld: Dead Zone Movie, climaxing Apocalypse relevant. God says the Chief's Guts are coming out for that & ruining Channel 9.
It's difficult to tell how much John Major knows on a concious Human level. He is represented by the Doctor in the Film.

David Report: Avian Command

David's Senior Brain is a Right Hemisphere Avian. In this recent image he is putting out E on the Right Arm with reduced function & E on the Left (Spirit Conflict) with the aid of a Hand.

Police Murders

Who can remember the Song Heads Shoulders Knees & Toes? Knees & Toes is repeated Two making Null so that we know it's about Gabriel & the tradition of the Half Sex Doll Butchery. Now consider the Song Who's the Wanker in the Black with the same Tune, in the Black repeated. It would appear to be criticism of a Referee however the origin supports that it is a Police Officer that disuses their Uniform for Murders.  

Suspect: Irish Royal Hierarchy, implant thyroid. God says destroy the Intruder.

Chief Report

The Vvsit to my Property included Sex with the Female Captive & Wounds. The Veronika appearance in the Dead Zone is the Wales authority, usually Organised Crime, seen also with Hengist in 39 Steps it looks as if Eve's Biblical appearance usually indicates so. Veronika in the Film is actually the Police Chief. Some kind of self imposed retirement in a bust up with Wales meant to clear his name.

Military Police: UK Farces

It is no longer English Policy to allow armed Police to present themselves as forces.

Direct Hit

Stalled Apocalypse investigation this morning resulted in retatgeting. Police HQ Nuclear Shelters.

Dead Zone: isolating policy makers

A Gun shot from a Veronika (Wales) in Green (Ireland) actually Clocked the Queen's Antichrist effort in the y2k xmas speech (Scotland having minor Wales content). It led to Westminster where People & Peoples are blame encoded without input.

Kent Police Chief Report

The Chief ordered Roof cutting here with other means of entering following Graphic evidence that Belgium would be destroyed & all out war follow in One week. A patch wired the building to prevent discrete entry & thus far there has been no sign of the outbreak. 

The Chief is suffering coersive internal policy from China & Russia & attempted immediate Global War.

Dead Zone: Band Stand

The Scene were a Girl is murdered by the Police is about the banned career of Cara who has exceeded Grace & is breaking down attempting retirement, the scene has her beaten by the Chief's Deputy & finally killed. The Chief is fully responsible despite the film according to my Reports.

Find the Dog Head & Fat Man with a big Mouth in Cara's Rabbit Image.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Royal Mail

The Contract is withdrawn for multiple failures not only refusing the English Government in England, although bias in that authority led a new better way.


People like the Harry Potter stuff so we're going to continue with Class. I'm not talking about Emma although I could have been.

Spiritual Umbrella or Ceiling

Struggling to fit in or suffering set backs at Home or general unhappiness could be Spiritual Conflict. Neighbours are usually to blame. A Pet helps because they are subject who you feed, unless somebody Sawed their Skull, Bastard
Children also make Spiritual Conflict with outside Family Tree loyalty. Worms or Scarab have been kept to exclude Surgery & Semen has been deposited for a warning by Military. We keep Morio & Meal Worms here to contend with Enemy loyalty Resident & visiting.

Morio / Mono

Squinting or zooming out or studying Cursive, which is named because of it's curse, reveals things Spirits read easily. Morio supported individuals having Spiritual contention.


There are a lot of references to Chrysalis in connection to Christ, fakes called Chris are common. There is evidence that kind of Spiritual Umbrella needs to be disused eventually to prevent a surge building up, & evidence Jesus used them here.

Fourteen Hundreds Grave

A Medieval Grave belonging to Cara's Intruder was located earlier. Most of the contents were stolen & remains messy.

A Pool of Water is kept to wash away Blood at the Bottom of the Hill, as Judas, Jesus & Veronika were Speared at the Trench to the Well.

Global Damnation: Apocalypse Games

We're all tired of Local Games here that Damn everyone abroad. They simply cannot leave anytuing untouched here. They Rape & Gore then steal the bodies later. They drain the Water away to the Sewer & dig a Bunker under our Drive way. They break in while I am out or while I am sleeping. They refuse Postal Service. They need to be put to Death without further existence for World Peace.

Police Chief charges

Today I'm digging for Bodies in the Abyss also called Haydock.


Murders were carried out in the Bunker dug under my Land in front of the Gate. The Police Chief visited while they were in distress & spoke with the Male & Female. The Scenario was part referred to in "The Dead Zone", but the Chief is also Charged. 


The actual equivalent is murdering someone in Christopher Walken's Shed.


Following the "Necronomicron" concession to US media, two books of Christ hand in the absence of historic ones, Cara had major related Tattoos scribbled on her Left Arm that included full stops. The books halted after only a few pages & the content was burned. One belonged to Her Kin & One CIA estimated value about  £500 a Month. Fortunately it came to light that Solomon was Jesus & has a Song & Proverbs.

The upward propulsion of Her where there is high competition so that kin can follow through & connect trashes in a victimisation or Witching by them, who are counting Cash themselves. The Hemisphere is Historically murdered making a Polar problem with the former Jesus Hemisphere also.

Moral: whack Her surround

Disembowelling reference also

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


David Hemisphere attacked Arthur with his other also & had Sex with his Right Eye Socket Speared. Wonderful alternative to Jesus Eyeing an English Crown. Should've been extinguished long ago.

Shaft of the Abyss

The Abyss wasn't the only thing Shafted, Police have trashed the Angel with the key to the Abyss because they come & go with a copied Key as often as I do, without consent. The Gate was Left unpadlocked for me when I arrived.

Stuart Little

The show was about Oid transplants into Rats, we have Stuart implant of Philip here.

Hit YE20 number plate DPD

near asda 5 mins, blocking external internet access with broad particle attack. Police operated postal service with notorious radioactivity operations.


Online Lyrics within "Rock Bottom" & "Doctor Doctor" claim to have tales of accounts of the Crucifixion. I have been arguing this morning for the right to use the internet to see, however Kent Police, already charged with keeping senior Oid that supported the event & carrying out burns & beatings here after the manner of that time are insensitive.

I saw something about a female attacking a male with a knife & somebody crawling witnessing someone looking angry being sodomised, discrete. Nature's Queen appears to be Animal Kingdom Horus in Veronika. Will your soul survive to daylight, Clay Cold Lips is burial in Clay here. UFO is about Birds, Avian not Alien.
The Avian represented is at 12 Kitchener Ave, a Stuart. Recognisable residents here


Kent Police Chief followed me to access outside & blocked today. He also threatened high intensity radiation from forced delivery & disembowelling. God says his finger prints are in every fowl deed in Kent including Crucifixions past. He says Disembowel him when his time comes. He also said he will be destroyed every oid when Holocaust breaks out. He said get his Dummy back in & wipe the Shit from his Arse.

Apocalypse responsibility

John Major of Boris & Co. has been supporting the Kent Police Chiefdom at Security breakdowns inc. immoderate injuries here to people having resurrection &:Oids at the original Apocalypse determining Crucifixions. Life threats have been common. 

The Four Quarter Sharard, timed conflict & predetermined results often stumbles because of contempt among the Players often killed. Then the Police Chief intercedes upscaling injuries to families & their representation at the Police Service.


Telephone, Internet & Radio failure here is an Avian Policy, having their own access to Data Connection, disrespecting Human Communications.

House Arrest

It took twenty five minutes to get access to my Nation to complain about external contact blocking. A Technical Arrest because of mast blocking in the area & difficulty reaching telephone & internet capability was no longer technical when this post was denied. UN Security Council discuss.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Shit Head Police Chief

Kent Police caused cooperation with England & Moscow to break down. The Police Chief fumed about Radios here not unlike Police Radios & dedicated Police to every nuisance & delay. England withdrew support with local Nuclear Counter measures & made progress with Recyclable Toys based on English acceptance of general Eurasian Trade not excluding Russia, since the US embargo in the UK while Trading with China themselves.


Police blocked internet activity then stole my name Today. Charles stole my DNA & what happened? Yesterday you were threatened with worsening Apocalypse fronting down God to his face & Today you are still stupid.

Boris & Co.

US Money through Wales is responsible for Antichrist Apocalypse Policies. So why are matters exactly the same through Eons? Because there are only Boris & Co. & excuses for Rob covered by Proxies. The Four Quarters likewise are a faked contention with real Casualties for timed events during Larceny.

& God says that Clock is going up your Arse, because that's why we've been showing it to everyone.

Sunday, June 9, 2024


The Police Chief is an Organised Crime Overt. Mail doesn't arrive & fronts for example Russian, Mick or Scotch teams all have the same Characteristics while I Shop, 

Clock defeating

Almost all Movies related to my Life have been defeated by the size of the Steroid using Brother of Ken. This is England not Ireland or Germany or France for that matter & build shows or banter with the English Crown are Death.

The first recorded "Clock" is encoded within the Doomsday Book & that is older than the Bible manuscript encoding in Daniel or Revelation.

Lucifer's Sex Doll

Cara's intruder in lady grey & Guinevere had their Hips & Legs missing in the Grave following Disemboweling. An investigation revealed "David" had Sex Dolls made of the promoted Agents so he could keep Sodomising the Padded Bones.

Pervert: This is the Hetero view in David's Bed Chamber. The Hips went to stuffing when they smelt. The Man can be traced to all Apocalypse related massacres involving Her & the eventually Speared Jesus Hemisphere.

The Psychology was that he became Class overcoming Family promoted to Class & thorough overwhelming by Gory Sodomy elevated. "Psycho" hinted about his mother Dead in Her Bed, loosely based thriller.

Prince of Piss

God says his Intruder was responsible for Pissing in the Well & the River Garden Water Hole recently. It also presided over my & Lady Grey's Death there married to Bloody Mary. God says he was Apocalypse responsible. The Irish Princedom have more than their share of them.

Saturday, June 8, 2024


Annette's long time Crumby front Garden began to prosper following identification & Personification of Lucifer, Ken Intruder, so that France appears to be rising. Third of Three England Lions. There was contention between French Security & the Twins some years ago, who have Irish & German configuration.

Lucifer consuming Judas: Joab Disemboweled Judus during Sodomy, under David's Spiritual authority at the Site of Coilus Grave.

Judas was like most of the others, scattering when forces prevailed by making divisions for survivability. The Bloody Handed have Apocalypse guilt.

Apocalypse showdown

The Irish Regals responsible for the Well contention are arrogant, alive, stalking & planning more build upon that foundation as if there is no common sense at Government. Remove the Intruders with permanence & begin to make matters better. 


Negros are leading security breakdowns with Royal Mail for criticism of inability to handle Royal status. Whites are attempting to move into new Ground. Contact with the PM concerning incompetence inc. advice has prompted lamping & Helicopter Hovering above the Hill.


Report: Trump had a Design vandalised that inspired a Riverside Build here. The Messianic references in Trumps Court related statements are stupid, I don't like the Man. When serious money starts losing they should get no sympathy. Big money comes from injury to hard working Citizens.

Rich Losers

Give them a kick on the way down & shake Hands with their competitor. If Facebook turn him over again he could qualify for a Quiter Account.


God told me to say expect 1000 Migrants for every Male trespassing on my Property. No Males on the Hill.

God rides a Harley

A Bronze Harley having Wheels like the Chariot Wheels is being made for us at Moriah. It can be ridden in 3000 yrs unlike other desirable Classics gone by.


When a Door was opened to Cara She trailed shit all through the place & when Her own Door opened shit stood in the Doorway. In fact anyone who's been on the Bed is as good as an Irish Consort. 

Vegan Fake Chicken is real Chicken

Chicken is saturated & heat dried to look different & taste bad, but it is not fake Chicken.

Friday, June 7, 2024


Today no Males are allowed on my Land God says. The Water Gate formerly near the Well in Jesus Time is brought to the Lower Garden where there are new Flowers for the Girls to enjoy also, a simple Bronze Rod. The US Watergate Scandal attempted an explanation.


Males arrived with the Irish Crown in contempt of instruction. God says they will die. Report: the Crown was not in authority.

Uriah & Bathsheba identified

Uriah who stayed behind with Jesus for David is identified as intruder within Carl Thompson who was killed by family resenting his input in the Bloodbath between immediate kin. Big Titted Bathsheba is an Intruder within Annette Thompson. The Intruder of Barnabus, Jesus Son with Veronika is identified within a local Man called "Buzz".

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Kent Police Insane

"It's not what you did Jack, it's what you said" Ronald Kray. Today I got a Report that House Breaker Ken & Associate was shown around the Building while I was out. I want the Two of them raided as was their norm God says. No Males on the Hill.

God says the Pope is informed about "Lucifer" of whom it is said was cast down from Heaven making a visit in the Third Temple uninvited. God says Vatican authority is only concerned about money & is normally Antichrist.


Arrhur's Grave had Hairs on the Chest beneath Nipple Pottery & Silca forming on the Thigh Bone not yet Flinted like Graves older than the Six Hundreds. Jews are Skinflints

Moriah means more Higher as well as Mori indicating a Cemetery. As with day to day business where there are numerous reasons for Government Policy Language is sustained versatile in Diction.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Anglo Irish agreement ended

England expected not to recover expenses following good will & now have the Irish Crown Jewels made by Bank of England in their holding.


Caracalla is a Hill withering Bitch, expected in Cara 2025.

Joab identity

J-O-A-B basic encoding already covered here. The Roman Soldier with David according to Pilate dictated cruelty among the Family Members & was formerly on the Right Hemisphere of David unspeared. The Character has intruded in "Reggie Kray" & is within Ken's Brother.

Crucifixions Policy

There is & was a policy of accepting fate & cooperation up to the point cooperation is not respected, then take opportunity & teach better. Jesus gave some of them a good hiding mid capture & witnesses should rise together. Target throat, turned Head & exposed Testicles, regard a nearby weapon.

Hitler said that caused Jesus to be nailed still, like the Girl Veronika then, Liar.


Jesus went about killing those who murdered his Family & that was the basis of the Death Wish Film. Biblical Solomon was Solo-Man, survivor with Son Barnabus. Solomon killed David & Joab. David did not install Solomon, he had his Ass ridden like Joab, The Horns of the Alter Joab took hold of were the Dicks of attitude adjustment common to those times. Internal Family implosions were of Pharoah, Boris Johnson's Intruder set. The Four Quarter Royal Families have Military Intruders under office.

Kray Report

The Two were House raiders, normally while Men were in the Field followed by an ambush when they arrived home tired. Soldiers are familiar with Gore & they are not unusual apart that they are sadistic Perverts also. House Raiders were normal in Roman Military for Logistics.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Royal Mail

Executives are mocking as well as failing deliveey, They call a firm Grays to deliver to family as if we are all dead meat referring to the Riverbed burials & called Ordnance Survey to rename the street Toddington that was Taddington referring to Sweeny Todd.

God says you will be made to deliver & made to stop using the name Grays. He says you are a stupid Prick that couldn't be trusted to shovel shit from one place to another, let alone handle Royal Security or Mail.

"Royal" Mail 
The Blood address, Channel 9 block & refusal to carry from central post office, drop zone or deliver here are a joke of comprehensive incompetence. There is nothing they can do right concerning Royal Post.

Rome actually defeated

There is a great show of authority & Power that is subject to agreements on the "Clock" most power is with the masses & occasional cruelty pre determined makes fear where the Clock isn't understood. In fact at my own position it makes no difference if I am brave or avoidant, events will take place as planned long ago. Agreement hoarded money & Glitter that are unnatural to Native Man anyway, & limited all other things including Nuclear Stockpiling & control.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Ophrys Orchid

There is a Bulb in the Lower Garden for anyone leaving something of worth or money in the Bag. A child ruled over by a bird, an Enemy has Sown them here. Bring a small Pot, there is a Tool in the Box.

Signals: an exclamation mark both sides makes an upward direction emphasised by Yellow called Northward, it means as the Road Sign. Red Bodied the Character appears endangered, smiling agreeable. Beneath is a Bulb with Spider appearance making a Standard on a Pole above, a lure as used on Battlefields. O-Threes means making Twos.

Human Rights blockade

The Conservative Party are redirecting all of my calls to a Home Office Number, Internet access is usually blocked & Deliveries fail. God curse you.


They pretended to try to deliver again, but I was at the roadside all morning inc. The time they eventually stated. Jazzy is fond of keeping People's money I hear. Again none of their contact details worked.

I've been waiting for essential & approved equipment that has been half a Century in planning, refused (Radio Channel 9). God says hit all of their Drivers. He says there is little opportunity giving grace to who Robbed Iraq & slaughtered in the UK for Shop closures.


Tell phillip to stop weeing in the Straw. There is no cooperation possible, ungrateful, hostile & insistent on a dominant position in my home built by my own Hands, upon my Inheritance & in my Country.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Dark Judges

The Four Quarters are called Dark Judges, but the Crowns are only Messengers with Clock events allocated them. Mortice is different as it's stealth projects, the unintersting One: Scotland. Keys represent a Boardroom Seat where strategy is made so that what appears to befall like others can be anything from an irritant to a financial deal by timing & steering.

They were also called the fantastic four, so it depends what the agenda was.

Prince Phillips Testicle

The Rat nuisance has been  identified as Philip's Avian Testicle replacement. We have discovered that God's Images have been blamed because criticism of the Animals is banned. They live where they grow.

Bad Spell

What happens if you upload Two disaster Photos taken in a Mirror? A potential disaster.

Double = Null, Mirror = Reverse, Double Image & Mirror = Real. I need to upload another Crown Image or people will seek opportunity.

Passport application keep refusing as well as Religious Painted Icons. Also refused Odysseus, Ulysses & Jack.