Thursday, May 28, 2020

Desolation conspiracy

The Bible is doctored & prophesy the work of the powers in modern times. God exists, if you look to the heavens he can be seen & also flint, tree distortions & topography.

Altering the bible

William Tindale was a serious offence to the church translating to English from Latin. Then  Bibles were removed from sale & priests Wagged along with the vocal by the authorities who were all Roman.

Holy Spirit

There are Seven spirits which are Hereditary however the older have not died. The Roman gods refered to them, who were men, I would be called Apollo, that is Michael. The conspiracy to destroy made a reluctant Charles come full circle to Satan & they plan a similar thing for me at the end. I decline, instead we will kill you who were. Jesus was a fake & I provide real evidence of God, Rome is not my maker.

Corrupt authority

The families of the spirits hold office & it is saturated with has beens & their descendants the oldest of which take small pleasure from life, it is tiresome to dominant authority. God likes it & men were not made to be so old. It's like playing the same game over & over.

God likes

Inventions, conflict, love, beauty, sustainability, space the final frontier. Get these coffin dodgers out of office or dead proper says Almighty God.