Monday, December 28, 2020


 Quintessential service to Public is foremost. You are a self propelling rabble. You are like those who knock off early in the City Friday afternoon & snooze when the World advances having no night staff. My way or Highway & if you snooze you lose.

Bosses who neglect staff should be neglected, they produce a better ransom than a human resource inconvenience & earned it. It also generates dedicated authority not self obssessed for competition.

Female Regiment

Consider Anodized Aluminium, hard exterior softer bulk. A Regiment supported by Special forces in small numbers gathering sharp shooting females to the fore can be relieved by parachutes or be as effective as a standard Regiment.


who wants to see a conscript ordered to conflict & then tortured by the people who encouraged them? Intelligence? The Soldier analogy fails because officers are primary targets. Law abiding public expect career choice paid to accept their responsibility or do something else for a living. UK nationals cannot be used to shield, murderers. 


Military traditionally use low ranking officers esp. Leftennant, usually a Public school leaver with basic training to lead conflict. All ranks are killed. 

5 killed Workers

Skilled workers on secret projects are killed, why are officers so hard to come by? They aren't.