Sunday, December 20, 2020

Age of Wisdom

 I'm not even reading that Guardian article. I have encountered many Ancients desired company because I was Jesus. They are often incapable of normal social interaction, called Nutters & sometimes defeated by it. They should not run a Country unchallenged.

I find as I age my memory of distant things vanishes & suppose only means to money & sex is studied by those who succeed despite being strange. Trump is criticised for too much time speaking to "Crack Pots". 

The article refers to those ill "wise" found committing serious crimes especially against Women made responsible by force then tortured to death.


Listen to me because I have no input only that of God. I teach moderation as I did, despite stupid biblical reports, God wants peace for you & determination at a pursuit beyond average to immoderation reduces variety & normality. The reduction of normality makes insanity, how deep is that insanity with practice? 

Doria looks good we think, a fit judge without controllers, not ancient obvious.