Monday, December 28, 2020


 Michael said he suggested the Guillotine because of torturous means to death like Catholic Crucifixion. God says good work, we only have input not rule. The question of murder is formidable yet Military Intelligence demands payment. Military conflict is worse but rare. 

Reasons for death

  1. Hostility buffered by an unattractive Woman: what fool employed unattractive men to partner? 
  2. Career minded men who choose a Woman of low esteem to murder for their operation.
  3. Inexperience can lead to surprise destitution running to a far County or death at home by a 21 which disguises growing heat & shatters all at once on purpose.  

Con-trollers are usually responsible for strategy meant to encourage dangerous activity.


  1. Everyone wants the tall slender & pretty Women, there is competition. They save lives.
  2. Hierarchal men do not need to murder a partner, Royal relatives. Also brave men like former Soldiers are content to die in the field.
  3. Heat reduction by substitution & rotation, lazy & uncaring boss.
I never associate with unattractive Women, unsafe.

I can get better Intelligence policy for Women if almost front line roles are accepted in the Millitary. For example a distraction on a flank out of range but visible by Satellite. They all join consenting to death in conflict.