The Archangel Michael

Friday, July 12, 2024

Soris Bollock

According to an Image here Horus Eye is the Mouth of my intruder Right Hemisphere & Right Bollock intruder & the Left of another, both above David.

What's above

Between the Two Eyes is a stretch Neck Robin, the Roof or Umbrella can be something small but responsible & is found higher in Images, like a Crown of Thorns having little Pricks that together determine policy. In the next Image Michael Left & Gabriel Right, the Peoples flank Horus, above is the Cross & above that the Police Clock, given Wings by Skyfall. An exchange of Whim & fancy for Desolation, Avian.
The Clock becomes the Face of a Great Eagle with Wings & Legs that are Hypotenuse Crossed Welsh & Irish Quarter Assaults on England & Scotland.

The Clock keeps repeating & does not appear to know the date of Desolation. I expect to die the same age as my Father in 2039 because of Media interest in our Family. People say their days are numbered referring to an inevitable Clock occurance.