The Archangel Michael

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Overfeeding Rats was a technique used during mating Season to overcome the surgical implant Spies with Naturally born competition. Burnings resulted when They could be recalled. A similar thing can be done with Bird Feeders. That was the Secret put down with the Black Death, Implants belonging to the King.

Lady Grey & co. Reborn for the judgement. Red Cross is a Crucifixion reference.

God said put Rat Traps in Haydock for the Bloody Crimes, he said Jesus & kin were killed during a Plague & the Dungeon under the Driveway is a Burrow, a symptom of Ancient Animal senioriry in Humans, People are all discontinued to maintain Animal control, hinted in Logan's run, the same story as more recent "the Island".