The Archangel Michael

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Cara has been invited by God to attend Temple each day alone for Prophesy training. Scenes with Yoda & Luke were supposed to indicate the time. Archangel Gabriel is the Avian formerly called St.Luke & is usually hidden. Temple associates & their surgery are the responsibility of the Pope.

Stewarts Stewards of the Pope

Attention is drawn to the T & D of the Words. The Sterwart Torture Chamber was an attempt to take "T" underground, out of Hay Dock because of the Civilisation of modern Society.

The Vatican are Avian control & hate the "Face" of the Hill, competitive with the Wealth of the Taxed Peoples & Wars. The Stewarts vandalised the Biblical Cherubim & performed negative plastic surgery on the reborn Christ taking Facial Symmetry. They also removed Muscle Tissue from One Leg. God says make the Palaces & "Holy City" waste & every competition the same.

So Pilate is Pilot & the Stewarts Cabin Stewards lifted up on Wings of Destruction,,the Starry display of ICBM above the Mantle here.

A Jones Bee stings the Play, their lives are dictated, where Jesus, Mary & Joseph were born again.

Birds prefer lots of Woodland to Man & supremacist Scripture states they will eat the flesh of Kings, Men ate their flesh. 

Behind the Clock "Face" is a big Screw direction SE otherwise called Purple, both associated with MI6. So the World is "Fucked" according to the Paranormal evidence & Fucked up risen upon Wings. That sounds like humour but it is actually the common use of the language. It means seriously reduced in value by Sexual activities.


The Clock appears to be a countdown or indication of "the hour" biblical. It is actually a repetition indicator, each hour has a numerical standard for help tracking events. The Alfred Hitchcock 39 Steps had events for me & my Father before me based upon the timing of scenes age & year.