The Archangel Michael

Thursday, February 6, 2020

World Council

Please stop arguing about local Federal authority. Make certain the bins are emptied & the parkie opens up on time & be glad that NATO & NASAs senior eMgineer is with you. Policies are being tailored on the WC for local, National & World defence systems.


You wanted the old MOD property. We're sorry but you are only security personel at guard. Put on a Lt. uniform, it's what the public school boys do to Lord over the NCO. It would speed up Militarisation.

Feedback: You are asking for weapons inspectors here already.

They won't find much, it's like a Cadet weekend. Think about Ethiopia, a Million trees in one day. Doing things in one night is only a matter of aquiring skill & more staff.
Sink holes with a Komatsu & line with tarred planks, turf them by morning.

This can dig straight down 20m

K 9 M missile was designed by the authority of Christ with Michael before my day

Aoi says

Japan World leader diggers, escape velocity rockets & hatred for nuclear conflict. Eyes left - continue. Kappa 9M capable high flying bomber stopper. Engine & fuel tank catastrophe & decompression.

Molten Copper shrapnel is proclaimed the best.