The Archangel Michael

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Gold is death

An SIS here killed a girl for his well being his spirit confesses to me. Below is about the dead girl in Goldfinger Covered with Gold Paint. The video says explain they will be rescued, then allow death. There is almost never a last minute save despite usual encouragement because death ends debt & escape transfers it. The policy is opposed by Michael & three in total of Seven.

UK (one four), first of four Kingdoms on the Earth & 14 in bible verse code

Finger of fate, it's you (right finger), reps Charles with a Pyramid lip finding a culprit

John's lip caused him to represent the Collared Lion of German Monarchy: Monument Phallic Fire of London boast of Charles II. John visited me nearby to encourage awareness of operations & took part in motorcade circuit around the UK.

Aoi says don't chase career loser

Yes, UK Government are responsible for emotional collapse of killers because they standardise across personality types & temperaments. There is no serious career without noble relatives or marriage. Good looking people can marry noble sometimes.