Miracles of healing are restricted by God because like prayer for people one has to take on the suffering themselves in their life. All of the Apostles were killed. I have other things to share that I paid for destitute in the field with radiation test burns & cloud formations which are restricted at this time. Jesus suffered Crucifuxion by glory of healing, made probable by angering the religious hierarchy. There is no free source of happiness to tap into, so common men made great incurred debt. Today members of low ranks offered power often fall very hard at the close of an operation.
Is like lending money, if you are doing ok pray for your neighbour & if you have a basic need or function difficulty wait. Good things lost are returned according to their value.
Hard work & saving also education without income is better than a 21 to reign without knowing the cost, take it easy.
This man is youthful compared & ranks middle managment as you might expect, depending on family & their connections. He is speaking to M about adjustments of codes & codes of practice. He shakes his head when offering to put something on the table.