The Archangel Michael

Monday, November 4, 2019

Drill bits

Who can prove they are better than the other will protest that the other should go into the pot & not them. This is a stone age drill bit, who can develop impressive skills to demonstrate? pegs hold timbers together for houses & furniture. Saws are not necessary for woodwork, only axes perhaps stone. How did the Neolithic shape Megalithic stones without metal saws?

SIS: a lot of hard work.
That's why the Romans got somebody else to build the Aqueducts for them. There's a lot of tedious work in old style building. You're probably a Celt, content with mud & straw. One requires slaves, that is those working for food, shelter & clothing.

The Neoliths beat the sandstone with large pebbles. One needs to plant more than is necessary & defeat enemies to acquire slaves.