The Archangel Michael

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Bad feeling

There is discontent here & around the world. The front page of the Express is the main reason for problems today. We always suffer when world business is problematic because we are head of Michael & blessed with personal involvement by life event engineering. It is usually negative only because the other seven are incompetent & deny realism. Example, oil field domination did not make us much better off.

It declares Russia have not dominated the cow, or something like that by security work on my behalf. Express: Charles & some devil associates trying to sustain creation.

Boris refers to Mr. Putin, a Russian name & also Michael, both are of Michael's 110. Corbyn refers to my Labour Peerage & Crown allied to Russia for security purposes this time.

It demonstrates Russian affluence in political sway, all politics is bought as you know. Boris is for Michael policies like Mr Putin, we are less happy with the Queen's input for him than Archangel Michael's Russian concerns.

The coding was for Angels & is cenuries old, now it fools ordinary people for devils.