We are dominant with your Queen & deny involvement with the youths sent to stab you. It must have been somebody else.
It was you, there were also dozens of SIS nearby eating & drinking at various outlets, all refused to call police, who were present. It was a Queen's operation by Selaphiel order. How does an airliner trying to land in St Peter's square sound? You are very arrogant, we are impatient for the destruction of the Vatican & very resourceful. Michael can give the order while I sleep or a hundred miles from the nearest man or electronic device.
Almighty God says you are the worst of all of the fallen.
This runway has a UK flag shape because it was by Lucifer with Selaphiel & the British throne that Freemasonry & Queens took hold on the Empire, Europe & Russia. Whenever the (fallen) Queen pomps through a door Lucifer is close behind, & whenever the Pope speaks a Satan is near. One generates the opposite. In creation every action has an equal & opposite. That is Newton's third law of Physics & also Spiritual conflict & equilibrium.
At the centre of the authority is an Egyptian Obelysc, the referrence to modern Pharaoh in IsaIah 30 & also Illuminati Egyptian symbolism. Also fallen Raphael's Fitzgerald cross is empowered at the centre, Nancy Pelosi. The Vatican say they accept those Archangels in the Bible plus Raphael & not the others. A bible search reveals she is not there.