The Archangel Michael

Thursday, October 17, 2019


This is actually an impact crater which helped to kill off Dinosaurs as scientists are aware. There were more impacts from an asteroid field sent our way by God to make man successfull. The Asteroid belt was unstable because of the addition of planet Ceres, which like other small planets found it's way to the source of the strongest gravitational pull eventually. The others are moons now, but were planets. Can you guess which planet will become a moon later?

This one looks too big they think, 450km across. It was one like the other. They showered the Earth over a period of about two days bashing every place until the air was unbreathable for non aquatic or burrowing animals. Most birds died & some flew high. Leaves helped to keep dust low. The same is true of fallout.

Far left.

Answer: Pluto will continue to move nearer to Neptune by it's occasional proximity & eventually find an orbit with the planet. Neptune will move nearer the sun by destabilisation & have aquatic life eventually. The dissimilar speeds & proximity are altered by interaction until a smooth pairing.