David was a man after God's own heart & Christians need to accept God. God is not Jesus or Love. God is capable of all things & created evil according to the bible for the evil day. Christianity has it's day also, which is the day of lack when sharing is advisable.
The time ahead takes us back to days when people prayed & received because they asked for basic things. Things which did not take a hundred Angels four months to engineer, but rather provided food or clear water or an end to family hostility for examples.
Christianity is of very poor quality these days because of the temptations around & the abundance of basic things. Prayer these days is most commonly about a disease or an adultery become painful. Prayer these times is not usually answered.
The time coming is desperate & so Jesus returns to teach the poor & afflicted again, that if they are unselfish all can be comfortable. Jesus will provide God's word as before concerning the poor & I am providing it concerning Government, which Jesus refused to touch on against or in addition to former lessons. There is more to God but love & more to life than poverty. My way is taught in the Old Testament & his in the new. One is for administration & the other for the needy.