I am buying a number of satellite launches for a message delivery service which is personal to us & some allies. Michael says he wants a social network which has a server on the satellite. We require they are contactable twice a day & communicate with each other by laptops on the ground.
Allies will be different depending on where you are, sometimes enemies of each other. Don't engage each other. Contact will give your location so drive at least 20 miles & drive back following contact. Don't stand near your vehicle either. Planes will attend the location given by the satellites & look for a vehicle. Leave the gear under a tree with a car battery & drive off.
Security: Is social networking advisable? & do we need satellite if it brings fire or a local search. Why are you so open?
Be flippant & cheerful, tell all about the girl you laid & expanding waist line, don't reveal secrets. Sat can be transferred to radio signal relay & taken further. The secret parts are in another communication. Every other military is revealed in part by mutual arrangement to be open, there is an art in deception, detail & alteration.