The Archangel Michael

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Apocalypse Police thick as Shit

A half Dozen Laptops & Tablets were broken by Police before I came here. Since arrival Security Cameras, Alarms & Lights, Telephone & Data signals & a Drone have been broken by them so that no Security devices work any longer. Contracts on Seniority.


This sabotaged Tablet was further assaulted following the above, current Cloud 9 & Garden signal photography are inaccessible.
Nappy Shitter: Police are preventing image access on device. I deleted a Gallery & still have no access, WARNING: CURRENT GLOBAL AFFAIRS. If they were killed for waving in the ICBM attack they would not be making Security problems now.

Scotland 'tard

It's believed the lost Global Security Image resulted from Pre Raphelite jealousy & The Cloud 9 Security images general Security sabotage. The Yard is related to the Macklin Wood Yard. The Three Faced sign is meant to exclude the English Quarter. 
Update: with striving I got this uncropped image online. It has something to do with Nuclear Alert. Related Cloud 9 images are still unusable, DANGER. Tell that stupid fucking Pig to undo software hacking.

Trident: Three not Four at the Wood Yard


The Lemon Faced hooded Prince is the Witch meaning mug of the Southpark group. Lucifer Avian was in bloody Moses, who killed for every crime, according to the ID bark here, cast out of Heaven according to Scripture. Princess Kenny is meant to be Irish Crown Avian & Liane Cartman Veronika Avian Wales.

Kate insulted

There are a number of discrete stories about Wales Quarter difficulties Today. The US led Telegraph called Kate a clawing Dog. I've been fending off Germans in Three Quarters.

Scottish Crown identified

The Macklin Family on Water Works Hill are receiving special interest because of Water difficulties here. They have owned the Timber Cutters Yard for generations.

Monday, August 19, 2024


The Lower Garden is closed to visitors for a week starting Today. Trespassers are logged & charged at convenience.

Time Cop 1973-78

Steve Austin means Mug working for the US Congress & is identified as One of the Terminators played by Schwartzenegger positive or negative. Lee Majors who played the Bionic Man means of the Graves in the Lee another name for Death Valley where the Ponys sheltered & Major is the rank given to Royal Blood. The Bio engineering is additional Brains, for example Birds are very quick.

Loser: Steve gets One Eye Speared for US Policy & One Brain Hemisphere is transplanted for the time being, only the Birds live on. Beaky Lip clue.

Sunday, August 18, 2024


Homosexual assaults by Police on people Handcuffed, not having resisted Arrest are prolific.

Violence on Temple Mount

Cara has been punched several occasions having an Avian of St. Luke who was Crucified here. God said batter the Apocalypse providers leaving facial embarrassment.

Signals at BAE/Elliots/Marconi

Ben Elliot also has an Elliots way nearby. It means the way of Ben & refers to the better known Quarters. The top left usually confuses because it represents Wales. In the Image then it is the French Crown Lion of three Lions, upward yellow injuring their group black. The Scottish Top Right are the Kent authority, German Avian. The Irish bottom Left enabled finance, material value married at the Hill & the English is upward for a Hockey stick Cross, School Girl introductions to associates.

Freemasons Hall: Great Queen St

The former rebel base is no longer of worth, however the street name & former value make it a desirable Women's property for a short time. There is a great congregation of model class women in the vicinity from trafficking. The Queen was content with the influence of them.

God says Women are digging their heels in & can be sold the area for better transition in another place.


The Indian Welsh Crown lookalike MP for Medway is a Female throwback to Elizabeth & an Indian throwback to the Conservatives, retarded choice.

Precognative Report

The Chinese Agent intends debauchery with the Irish Crown while I am in Town, in the scene of the Pre Raphelite Oil. Comment: get that fucking Paki out of the Temple.

Crucifixion Policies

We are seeking the lives of all repeat Crucifixion officials targeted descendants of the victims. The One Night event has been applied to over half a Century of abuses based upon it making more Apocalypse leg work than the first. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Petunia disgrace

I told the Council not to mow my Property any longer. They mowed the Flowers last night. I want the first lane of Traffic permanently blocked, on my property & on desecrated Graves.

Patrol Boat

NATO are asked not to use any of the concepts advised here. Russia have been advised to shoot at anything automated for Sport & retain that area of Black Sea.


Sour pussed Jocks have mourned my Black Sea opportunity here & scuttled Boat. You want to know why you can't do what you want in my home, tunnel under it & mow my flowers, acquiring the black sea & Military equipment. Because you're an arrogant German Bird Brain, stupid expectations.


The Floor here was Chequered meaning integration is the lowest thing & should be under feat, not above. It neutralises native communities. The conflict is never over & Police support the opinions of the German & French invaders as well as bought politics from abroad. Their interference for money, sex & show is Apocalypse & they should leave.


England are having it made in a non NATO state so it isn't crappy because Celts have tampered with it or paraded as joint engineering with crappy bolt ons, Iran.

Pre Raphaelite Portrait

Yesterday distinguished Guests were invited to join the BBC while I went for a long walk. Arriving back I was flagged by Police to delay so I bought a Pint nearby.


Cara was drunk & stripped naked on the throne of her predecessor for dirty photographs in front of all, calling them cunts. The "Pre Raphaelite" Dress I asked for didn't arrive. An orgie rampaged through the Scene of the Painting & the grounds. Another Guest failed to arrive.

Police have been doctoring voicemail through the switchboard attached to my Telephones here & failing to pass messages on, instead making themselves a management position with alterations & emmisions often discrediting my calls.

Friday, August 16, 2024


Lamping is heavy coinciding with Council Workers at the foot of the Hill again, too regular to be innocent & internet denial timed to draw me outside weakened by the Lamps. I'll kill attackers here. Contracts on the authority & operators.

Lamper: Police Constable no kills, three conspiracy to kill charged. Internet block: local Council authority. Council Workers: all local robbery responsible.

Granny used to say

People living near Wayfield Rd were thick as Pig Shit & twice as ignorant. The saying meant obtrusive as Police problems in communities because of CID scat & double ignorant means knowing well enough to do better. She was clearly getting a Witching in Public representation.

Black Churches in the Town centre

I asked them to move on but they refused & bent everyone's ear about inadequacy until I was criticised, Piss off home. That's what you hear when you are disobedient. Christian doctrines are slave doctrines & I have more common things to talk about, you contend with God here.

Camelot Paranormal Images

At first when I saw Two Lovers & a stake through a heart I thought about Veronika & Beth, but the Picture that matches modern Temple aspects are called Shallot & the Lance is a Boat Oar. I don't accuse for Her escape from the lunatic Ken Avian, especially since Shallot is here minus her hips & legs next to Arthur.

Shallot & Her Lucifer mob Lover Lancelot (Clive) & Arthur with the Oar. The Tapestry centres related images: the Looking Glass Chequers indicate invader infiltration where the Couple are walking.  The view through the Window is accurate enough into Lord Lee's Grove (Bridge) beyond the River Bend. The Seat & Doorway are accurate, a Plate is also like the Tapestry.


The area Guinevere is Seated is the Irish Quarter, having Shrine signals that identify it. The Loom Tapestry is the "Clock" family comings & goings are woven together. Three Images indicates indignation toward the pictures & a part mirrored Window indicates a small amount of sabotage achieved.

Thursday, August 15, 2024


All Council Workers seen loitering outside & all Male visitors since exclusion.

Patrol Boat stolen

We asked Cara & she replied nobody took your Boat. I don't have one any longer because of "improvements". Anyway it won't function without approved Politics & that includes better envoys to Moscow. 

England have a High Velocity Missile that can go straight through a distant vessel, unlikely to kill anyone that is approved for use right away.

Wales claiming the Mount

Organised Crime on the Hill 

The Chariot Wheels & Watergate are the only noteworthy things remaining, the Wheels an Eve Possession. Horus is called Eve & despite almost never seen here because there is almost no hunting, attempts dominance over the transplant animals by violent Death threat.

There is a Wales presence here usually when I am out & there has been vandalism at my Grave & Urine on Jesus & Arthur's Shrined remains by the clan. Artefacts around the Wheels are vanishing connected to a Horus signal at Chatham Cemetery.

Wales have attempted Kingdom dominance by various Crimes here including breaking in. Notorious for corrupt dealings & connected to Lucifer & Boris. The Walderslade Ward Authority surrounding the Principality ignores indrpendence whenever I am looking the other way, sleeping or shopping.