The Archangel Michael

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Wales claiming the Mount

Organised Crime on the Hill 

The Chariot Wheels & Watergate are the only noteworthy things remaining, the Wheels an Eve Possession. Horus is called Eve & despite almost never seen here because there is almost no hunting, attempts dominance over the transplant animals by violent Death threat.

There is a Wales presence here usually when I am out & there has been vandalism at my Grave & Urine on Jesus & Arthur's Shrined remains by the clan. Artefacts around the Wheels are vanishing connected to a Horus signal at Chatham Cemetery.

Wales have attempted Kingdom dominance by various Crimes here including breaking in. Notorious for corrupt dealings & connected to Lucifer & Boris. The Walderslade Ward Authority surrounding the Principality ignores indrpendence whenever I am looking the other way, sleeping or shopping.