The Archangel Michael

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Apocalypse Police thick as Shit

A half Dozen Laptops & Tablets were broken by Police before I came here. Since arrival Security Cameras, Alarms & Lights, Telephone & Data signals & a Drone have been broken by them so that no Security devices work any longer. Contracts on Seniority.


This sabotaged Tablet was further assaulted following the above, current Cloud 9 & Garden signal photography are inaccessible.
Nappy Shitter: Police are preventing image access on device. I deleted a Gallery & still have no access, WARNING: CURRENT GLOBAL AFFAIRS. If they were killed for waving in the ICBM attack they would not be making Security problems now.

Scotland 'tard

It's believed the lost Global Security Image resulted from Pre Raphelite jealousy & The Cloud 9 Security images general Security sabotage. The Yard is related to the Macklin Wood Yard. The Three Faced sign is meant to exclude the English Quarter. 
Update: with striving I got this uncropped image online. It has something to do with Nuclear Alert. Related Cloud 9 images are still unusable, DANGER. Tell that stupid fucking Pig to undo software hacking.

Trident: Three not Four at the Wood Yard