The Archangel Michael

Sunday, June 30, 2024

War in Heaven

Animal Kingdom Spiritual Warfare is important to Mankind here & designs for Apocalypse depend upon their input. A Rat has been deployed by KCC to Hunt Locust expected to expire by October. Because of the disrespect for Life containing Global Representation & having International relay responsibilities Rats not removed will all be killed from now on.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Worlds most expensive Locust

A Locust stolen from me cost £1m that could've been placed & retrieved for 30p each. Kent CID. This Image prompted Investigation, protection Money, rescue is from the Police themselves & is temporary having alternatives not peace. Going abroad is more effective & less than a third of the cost. July means due a lie.


Somebody creeping around stole something needing respect for Global Security. God says Toture the Man standing for the Dungeon under the Drive. Precognative Report: God says he will be Disemboweled.

Donald vs Joe Report

Somebody felt sorry for Trump, who has a neurotic breakdown & makes silly Faces in a Presidency, obviously a stupid President. So they booked in a losers win, but I think he's had his compensations, doesn't he own Las Vegas? You don't get all of that being nice or charitable to other People, screw Donald's feelings.

Harry Potter Wands

We've already pointed out the images on the Wood work the Magic by telling a story of somebody's private scheming. There was a Wand that levitated Skirts but it was refunded because it had to be used to lift it up with one end.

Ginger Cat

The Alien Cat "Jones" appears to be the Jesse Avian & ally of the Xenomorph unknown to Riply in a modern rigged combat between who were forced against each other at the Crucifixions.

Captain Beaky

Media has been gathered & indexed to assist Revelation of Biblical stories connected to Apocalypse. Old songs can have lyrics read at Genius Lyrics however on occasion they have been altered.

Hissing Sid was CID Roman, the Avians are Bosses Today & the Bosses of them Rich, the Men have been killed by the English because they were all invading shit. Avian Surgery went under the Radar.


The Animals were Avian Implants at Moriah. CID, Eve's bone was H-Pissing, preventing improvements & interfering with another's authority unwelcome. A distance needs to be kept from front forces but influencers & controllers keep barging in. There are more than the Police, a Native system of Humans & especially Avians contends usually Wild Life. We often Coven oppose when dwellers understand one another's distress from outside, Crowns sneak a blessing to each other, Coven means cover Northward or up.

Case Study

This helps position Graves upon Moriah with Clues. It refers to an intruder with Jesus because it has one life before a Well incident. The Paper Hat is bandages around a sawn Head, & Plimsoles recovery of feat. We find King Cole's fire & fifth life Arthur meeting a Fox who we identify with Guinevere. So Jesus Avian began life in Jesse. The Cat appears to be a Bird catcher ref.

Little Queer: There is a Little Queer in the corner. CID like a little Willy & hope everyone else does too. I'm tired of intrusions, edits & deletions here.
Oinky the Pig Song

God wrote a song about a Police Officer this morning, who writes songs for this site & issues a "grey bat", but won't come out to play himself.

Oinky has a poo & has a Piss & says it's you & hopes they'll miss, miss the mark HID in the dark. So learn kung foo & learn to bark. Bring a knife & bring a Gang because that Old Man's the One who sang & break the Earth & break new births & break it all because I won't fall.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Horus Feather

A Feather has been donated for Justice, the Driveway Air raid Shelter murders.

Crucifixions implosion

Evidence is gathering that in order to keep innocent Blood from the Weapons of David's Men people were ordered to assault kin with threats & immoderate Violence then found Blood guilty & bloodied. The minimization of Blood assault was in part Political Psychology & based upon a Spiritual legal system for condemnation.

Today we are experiencing a discrete effort as the origional, the same Characters are operated against the other with Christ the focal point & only expected Host survivor by engineering. The origins are the same with a cellular dispersal here that is handy but eventually futile. Reasons for deliberate Apocalypse are short listed & definitely numerous.

  • Loss of Bird based control to Microsurgery
  • Growing Spiritual pressures or Damnation by swelling Populations of relatively innocent births Man & Bird
  • God potentially finalising an arrangement begun in that Day, degraded Systems conclusion.
  • Timing by provocations enabling escape investment

Toriy Tory tell us a Story

The absence of an S in tory is supposed to mean Conservatives are talking out of their Hat, no Oomph.

Alien Movie

According to the account of the Ash assault Cara & Beth killed Carl for trying to get a Dick in my Mouth. That is Luke & Veronika assailed Uriah after David's plan to leave Uriah alone. They blame the Crucifixions on the incident. According to an Image on Google Earth John was Crucified first at the Tree Marked Ezra forward & between Veronika & Jesus.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Overt Organised Crime

God says use Security funds to hit the Freezers of Mosquito category personal ultrasound Device surround inc. recent trend of approach from behind. Whack Bosses.

Lord of the Flies

As you can tell other publications are crap. This is the Story of the Hill:

Horus awoke back in an Eagle having been a Girl. She witnessed Human efforts & reported less than desirable Avian efforts & effectuality on the Hill to the community of Avian living at Central Administrations, including Community Leaders at HID, Roman Bother-Boys emulating natural Pack leadership but with Ganging & Stealth at need. Horus noted that a minimal Human presence was neccesary, still a nuisance because She dominated Animals & other Birds like HID, calling in support. 

That's what happened the Day Jesus or "Jack" was arrested. Pestering intensified until everyone lost their temper & the Gang connected together & raided, with Pilate having a straight Roman Road with a Thousand Men at the Route of it. Resistance futile everyone of Judah, now Jones made their own means of survival & were called Judas. Platforms of authority & strength like waves of forces, the next obscured prevented knowledge by which to Muster or advantage for long. Eurasia had fallen by the "Quickening" of Spirit that is Bird Brain size speed & outnumbering of the Two Human Hemispheres made the Birds dominant despite their physical size looking inferior at contest. Dominance never made supremacy, but gathered most of the Money by concession to leave Spiritual Policy to Democracy where away from financial plundering. 

A threat was issued at the time of the nuisance designed to Massacre Judah on Moriah: eventual Nuclear Wipeout of the invader authority, that is only a few Hundred Birds in fact, holding all of the Positions of Senior Authority.

Moral: Jack deserves better

Football Hooligans

Thugs at Football Matches are CID that like Combat Sports. The design is to frighten & injure target Citizens & Families watching a Game.

Alien threat

Keeping locust has generated shielding to carry out heavy work, breaking down life support systems eventually by gathering corrective pressure. A Plot is uncovered here to shank the Host because intruders are swopping in 2025.  The Weaver Scenario conceals supportive assaults on those persecuting unknown to Her. Here that is France, CID & H ID. 

Two Red conditioned Guns point toward One another top Corners

Alien Self Destruct System: CAUTION observe precautions for handling Electrostatic sensitive Devices. It refers to handling Locust carefully, Electrostatic means Spiritually active on a material level.

Signals: Strike Upper Left to lower Right - proceed, Yellow - considered upward of your position.

Locust are identical in purpose & like cells of a single Oraganism or Molecules with Data interconnections. They separate One for reconosance or danger by Democracy.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

39 Steps

Analytics confirm Report that the Police wrote the "Clock" 3 & 9 meaning hostile about needing to cooperate with Moriah.

Apocalypse responsibility

Because there are a small number of Police who were alive at the time of Crucifixion, who also Sacked Eurasia causing the Moriah Fractal, we need to establish votes yes & no. For example Avians in Carl, Annette, David & Rebecca voted kill the Caste here & have to be destroyed. The Voters are known to us here.

Birds defunct

Micro Surgery with Locust is believed to have left Birds without former cooperation from God above, who "interferes" with God congregated upon the Ground. God above controls the Cloud Systems having story board predictions & is heavy upon the Earth for what amounts to holding broad Picture Data like Sat. observation.

Alien self destruct system

There is a movement to restore Archaic Surgery eliminating Microsurgery. The Movie makes Crucifixion reference concerning a time the Locust were not available for Surgery. The strength of movement is not disclosed.

Oranges & Lemons

David's group called St. Clements wanted the awful Yellow Flowers that turn Orange & not Pretty Flora & made threats on behalf of London concerning a Show meant to be theirs according to them. Petty & stupid Apocalyspe policy based on arrogance & estrangement from things desired but not stolen. 


Who has lost a Dog or Cat? Life is precious & is gone. The truth of Life is that it existed before in a Natural environment a Spirit before entering into Flesh & returns, entering again into Flesh. Think about good times with the living, how much can you remember? That which is precious still exists & that which passes away with memory loss is what died. Mourning is a process of finding things other than we are used to where there is an absence, since the absent are mourned less.

God here kills the small things without care, he told me those drowning were ordered into the Water for DNA selection, & a fly messaged & flew into the Fire. Things with shorter Lifespans are less to God & enter Life again quickly.

Police System

Police are all former Animal Implants of the days of slaughter & enslaving with Taxes, so are higher Government. Apocalypse is by unnatural Life forms in Government positions not in harmony with the Natural.

Avian Implants

The addition of Treetop Messengers is unnatural on the Ground where God has a subdivision of authority.

Henry's beheadings

Harry, otherwise known as Henry has paet of the Brain arrangement of Henry VIII, almost half of his Brains. The beheadings were actually a Gorefest with Rapes ending in Decapitation apart from Sick Butchery. God says everyone had their Breasts mutilated & then the Brains were reunited into Family nearby. The bad atmosphere would cause better behavior if Security Services weren't dictating the whole thing. The real authority is with numbers nearby enjoying the same Platter, detesting newcomers seen as competitors if disliked.