The Abomination of Desolation Duck between Wales & Jock Crowns is upon the Princess of Wales, stitched up with the Elizabeth Left Hemisphere in a Backstreet Surgery.
The Duck Face was identified on the Temple Curtain recently, denying access to the Monarchy having distress. Clock: Christ Age 54, this year. The Self Destruct Interface an IBM Laptop, signals Index Finger. Eurostar Mobile Bomb Aluminium Case probable: Nuclear Message Wales to Scotch Quarter.Alien
Left Leg of Wales has something to do with France
Elizabeth liquidised Shop rents for US Agency via Amazon leaving Charles relatively broke. The resulting Tax increases hit Jocks, Women & Jock Women. The Money Boomeranged to Wales, caught by Elizabeth in Kate, raising concern about Trillion Dollar Belgium Bomb capability.
S' nout in the Trough
Failed COVID Shop Rent is as bad debt, forbidding Trade. A Trough can become a Peak not Flatlining, they want the Shops converted to Flats. It's hoped by the former Queen we will always Shop at US based Amazon.
The IpsosMORI style Council logo is recognisable on the Aluminium Bomb Case / Control Panel. A Face is visible, turned Right Side looking Downward. It means overt or conscious opposition. Cyan means ineffective submissive.